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Confused by all the available documents? We’ve placed our services into categories to simplify selecting your documents. Visit our Services and Pricing or Shop link to purchase your documents. A representative will contact you by phone and/or email to complete the information required to process your order. The completed document will be emailed to you to ensure accuracy. A final document will be emailed; a hard copy can be sent by USPS as well. Expedited Express mailing is available for an additional $26.00 in the Continental USA at checkout. If you require your documents immediately select the Rapid Order and add it to your purchase. If you don’t have a printer and need immediate access to your documents we can email to a local store that offers printing at no additional charge. If you don’t see the document you are in search of use the Contact Us form, call us at 239.339.3321 or email

Property Documents

For Sale By Owner Real Estate
Completed Document Package - $349.00
Real Estate Purchase Agreement with Owner Financing including Deed, Bond for Title, Amortization Schedule and HUD 1 Settlement Statement Document Preparation - $349.00Amendments/Change Orders Real Estate Agreements - $75.00
Mortgage or Settlement Document Package:
Completed package to obtain final settlement, mortgage payoff or other documents required to close or payoff existing mortgage. - $225.00
Satisfaction of Mortgage/Lien Release $125.00
Warranty Deeds - $100.00
Special Warranty Deeds - $100
Fee Simple Deeds - $100
Quit Claim Deeds - $100.00
General Warranty Deed - $150.00
(Enhanced Life Estate / Lady Bird Deed)
Rental Agreements - $75.00
Lease/Purchase Agreements - $150.00
Eviction - $199.00
Answer to Motion to Evict - $199.00
Motion for Court to Determine Amount
of Rent to Be Deposited - $100.00
Motion for Default - $249.00
Answer to Motion of Default - $249.00
Motion to Dismiss with Brief in Support of Motion - $375.00
Opposition of Motion to Dismiss - $325
Motion to Dismiss Civil Complaint
with Brief in Support of - $225.00
Voluntary Dismissal County Court - $125.00
Declaratory Judgment - $295.00
Circuit Court Complaint - $249.00
Brief in Support of Motion - $225.00
Circuit Court
Friend of Court Motion with Brief in Support $249.00
Motion for Summary Judgement - $150.00
Letter of Confidentiality (Address) - $25.00
Answer to Suit Filed - $325.00
Motion to Set or Reduce Bond - $150.00
Chapter 7 Personal Bankruptcy - $150.00

Power of Attorney/Other Personal Issues

Simple Will/ No Property - $125.00
Will with Property or Assets - $225,00
Living Will - $225.00
Revocable Living Trust - $275.00
Probate Intestate Estate - $225.00
(Decedent left no will)
Probate Will with Property and Assets
Appoint Executor and required documents.- $575.00
Wavier of Spousal Rights - $175.00
Friend of Court Motion With
Brief in Support Of Motion - $249.00
Vehicle Bill of Sale - $50.00
Name Change - $149.00
Small Claims - $199.00
Response/Counter Claim
Small Claims Court - $225.00
DACA Renewal - 325.00 Hard copies or Online
Durable Power of Attorney form - $50.00
Medical Power of Attorney form- $50.00
Limited Power of Attorney form - $50.00
Release of vehicle from Impound
Power of Attorney $50.00
Revocation of Power of Attorney form - $50.00
Record Sealing - $225.00
Expungement - $225.00
Promissory Notes - $125.00
Rapid Order Fee - $ 75.00

Wills/Trusts/Living Wills
Probate/Power of Attorney’s

Simple Will - $125.00
Will with Property/Assets - $225
Living Will - $225.00
Codicil to Will (Amend Will) - $100.00

Couples Estate Planning Package $1150.00
Package Containing 2 Last Will and Testaments, 2 Living Wills with Advanced Directives, 2 Prepared DNR (Do Not Resuscitate, 2 Durable Powers Of Attorney. Package includes Notary for all documents. Add Florida Ladybird Warranty Deed to avoid Pro

Singles Estate Planning Package 525.00
Package includes 1 Last Will and Testament, 1 Living Will with Advanced Directives, 1 DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) completed form to sign when required, 1 Durable Financial Power of Attorney. Notary for all documents included.
Add Florida Ladybird Deed to complete your package and avoid probate.

Revocable Living Trust - 275

Affidavit of Successor Trustee - $100.00

Durable Power of Attorney form - $50.00

Medical Power of Attorney form- $50.00

Limited Power of Attorney form - $50.00

Revocation of Power of Attorney Form - $50.00

Probate Intestate Estate - $225.00
(Descendant with no will)

Probate Will with Property and Assets Under $75,000 and required documents.- $575.00

Bank Affidavit to Release Funds - $75.00

Tax Preparation

1040 Form EZ - Prepare and eFile  - $65.00
1040 Form W/Self Employment
1040 Form W/Business /Sole Proprietorship
Form 1096/1099
Previous Year Tax Returns Personal and Business
Affordable Care Act (ACA) forms - Without health insurance and need an Exemption or Hardship? 
Earned Income Credit - If NET Earned income is less than $53,505.00.
Itemized Deductions  - AFLDP will make sure you get the most from your deductions.
Child Tax Credit - Claiming dependents and qualifying children.
Education Credit
Corporate Tax Filing Available
 Rapid Order Fee - $ 75.00

Construction Documents

Notice of Commencement - $50.00
Notice to Owner - $50.00
Contractors Liens - $100
Release of Contractor Liens - $100.00
Owner/Builder Permit Package - $250.00
Building Permit Package - $250.00
Rapid Order Fee - $ 75.00

Divorce and Family Situations

Pre - Post Nuptial Agreements $225.00
Motion to Dismiss an Injunction - $225.00
Simplified Dissolution of Marriage (Private Marital Agreement) - $99.00
Answers to Dissolution of Marriage (Divorce) - $199.00
Simplified Dissolution of Marriage (Public Marital Agreement) - $159.00
Dissolution of Marriage (Divorce) with No Children or Property - $169.00
Dissolution of Marriage (Divorce) with Property but No Children - $259.00
Dissolution of Marriage (Divorce) with Children but No Property - $289.00
Dissolution of Marriage (Divorce) with Children and Property - $329.00
Marital Settlement Agreement (Single Family Law Form) - $99.00
Motion for Civil Contempt/Enforcement - $99.00
Financial Affidavit (Single Family Law Form) - $99.00
Child Support Guidelines Completed Worksheet (Single Family Law Form) - $99.00 
Petiton to Determine Paternity - $299.00
Answer to Determine Paternity - $199.00
Counter Petition to Determine Paternity and
Other Relief - $199.00
Parenting Plan - $199.00
Child Support (Modification) - $199.00
Answers to Child Support (Modification) - $199.00
Temporary Custody of Minor Children - $199.00
Emergency Child Custody Motion - $199.00
Grandparents Visitation With Minor Children Petition
Forms 12.975 (a) and (b) $225.00
Termination of Parental Rights Petition - $575.00
With Adoption by Step Parent - $750.00
Adoption of a Minor Relative with Termination of Parental Rights
Notice of Appeal of Final Order to District Court - $225.00
Brief in Support of Motion to Appeal Final Order to District Court - $775.00
Package: Notice of Appeal, Appeal of Final Order to District Court and Brief in Support of Motion - $975.00
Amended Brief Court of Appeal - $425.00
Reply Brief in District Court of Appeals - $395.00
Child Custody: Visitation/Parenting Plans
(Modification) - $199.00
Care and Custody of Minor Children
Power of Attorney form - $50.00

Dissolution/Divorce Packages

Dissolution with no Children, no Property
Includes Petition, Financial Affidavit and Marital Settlement Agreement $225.00

Dissolution with Children, no Property:
Includes Petition, Financial Affidavit, Parenting Plan, Child Support and Child Custody and Marital Settlement Agreement. $350.00

Divorce with no Children, no Property: Includes Petition, Counter Petition, Financial Affidavit, Final Judgement or Trial Demand. $325.00

Dissolution with Property and No children:
Includes Petition, Financial Affidavit and Marital Settlement Agreement. $350.00

Divorce with Children, no Property: Includes Petition, Counter Petition, Financial Affidavit, Parenting Plan, Custody Form, Confidential Information Form, UCCJEA Form and Final Judgement or Trial Demand. $350.00

Dissolution with Children and Property:
Includes Petition, Financial Affidavit, Parenting Plan, Child Support and Child Custody and Marital Settlement Agreement. $350.00

Divorce with Children and Property: Includes Petition, Counter Petition, Financial Affidavit, Parenting Plan, Custody Form, Confidential Information Form, UCCJEA Form, Marital Settlement Agreement and Final Judgement or Trial Demand. $350.00

All packages include complete set of all required documents, professionally prepared and ready to file as hard coy or efile.

On site Notary services available to fully complete your packages.


Printing Not Included
Flyers/Posters 8.5x11 - $25.00
Resized for Media Free
Posters 24” - 36” - $35.00
Custom Brochure Design 2 Sided $50.00
Banners up to 2X6’ - $50.00

Other Services

Professional Correspondence - $50.00
Personal Correspondence - $35
Professional Presentations (Personal) $125.00
Resumes $75.00
Grant Writing - Fee based on services provided.
Rapid Order Fee - $75.00

Business Documents

Single Project/Purpose Business Contracts - $99.00
Long Term or Multiple Business Contracts
Up to 20/4% Savings - $599.00
Business Management Services; Includes Customer Service resolution, quarterly and Annual required IRS filings, Monthly Accounting, Financial Statements, Maintaining monthly Corporate Minutes and Annual Minutes, establishing and maintaining website, creation of logos and advertising flyers and brochures and legal documents required in the course of business. Prices determined by services requested and size of business.

Preparing and Filing Limited Liability Company (LLC) Articles of Organization - $125.00   (incorporate)

Preparing and Filing Articles of Incorporation C or S Corp - Employer Identification Number (EIN) Registration included with New Business Registration - $175.00 (Incorporate)

Preparing and filing Articles of Incorporation for Non Profit Corporation including filing for non profit status with the State and the IRS requirements, Employer Identification Number (EIN) Registration included with New Business Registration. Filing fees not included. $375.00

Application for Non Profit Approval under 501 Guidelines with IRS for Business under $50,000 in donations. Includes labor for required Basic Website with upgrades available, and all required documents. Does not include cost of domain name or server fees payable monthly or annually. Filing Fees of $600 to IRS not included. $500.00

Complete Corporate Packages including Trademark Registration and all documents required available. Use our Contact Us form to request information and pricing or call today.

Restaurateur Package: Includes Business License, Employer Identification Number (EIN) Completed application for Certificate of Occupancy, completed application for Food Service License, application for sign permit, application for music license, application for Resale Permit, Building Health Permit, Employee Health Permit Sellers Permit, Liquor License Permit, Dumpster placement permit, Live Entertainment permit and pool table license $400.00

Notice of Foreign Entity Corporation - $125.00
Sole Proprietor Business - $125.00
Federal Trademark Registration -
One Class of Goods $1350.00
Minutes Document Package for Corporation
12 Months completed $395
Dissolution of Corporation - $125.00
Fictitious Name Registration - $50.00
Preparing and Filing Annual Reports - $99.00
Chapter 11 Corporate Bankruptcy
Reorganization to continue operations
(Fees based on Documentation required)
Chapter 7 Corporate Bankruptcy
(Fees based on Documentation required)
Rapid Order Fee - $75.00